Results for 'Mehmet Necip Tunç'

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  1.  22
    Eliminativist induction cannot be a solution to psychology's crisis.Mehmet Necip Tunç & Duygu Uygun Tunç - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e62.
    Integrative experiment design assumes that we can effectively design a space of factors that cause contextual variation. However, this is impossible to do so in a sufficiently objective way, resulting inevitably in observations laden with surrogate models. Consequently, integrative experiment design may even deepen the problem of incommensurability. In comparison, one-at-a-time approaches make much more tentative assumptions about the factors excluded from experiment design, hence still seem better suited to deal with incommensurability.
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    There is no generalizability crisis.Daniël Lakens, Duygu Uygun Tunç & Mehmet Necip Tunç - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Falsificationist and confirmationist approaches provide two well-established ways of evaluating generalizability. Yarkoni rejects both and invents a third approach we call neo-operationalism. His proposal cannot work for the hypothetical concepts psychologists use, because the universe of operationalizations is impossible to define, and hypothetical concepts cannot be reduced to their operationalizations. We conclude that he is wrong in his generalizability-crisis diagnosis.
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  3. Rethinking Plato: A Cartesian Quest for the Real Plato.Necip Fikri Alican - 2012 - Amsterdam and New York: Brill | Rodopi.
    Rethinking Plato: A Cartesian Quest for the Real Plato is a quest for the real Plato, forever hiding behind the veil of drama. The quest, as the subtitle indicates, is Cartesian in that it looks for Plato independently of the prevailing paradigms on where we are supposed to find him. The result of the quest is a complete pedagogical platform on Plato. This does not mean that the book leaves nothing out, covering all the dialogues and all the themes, but (...)
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  4. Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me: The Alleged Prisoner’s Dilemma in Hobbes’s Social Contract.Necip Fikri Alican - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (1):183-204.
    This article examines the social contract of Thomas Hobbes in the critical context of the prisoner’s dilemma, with the aim of demonstrating that the tenability of the former is not undermined by the gravity of the latter. The urgency of the problem is that Hobbes postulates a social contract to formalize our collective transition from the state of nature to civil society, while the prisoner’s dilemma challenges both the mechanics and the outcome of that thought experiment. The source of the (...)
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  5. Rawls’s Justification Model for Ethics: What Exactly Justifies the Model?Necip Fikri Alican - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (1):171–190.
    This article is a defense of John Rawls against recent criticism, ironically my own, though it is also a critique insofar as it addresses a problem that Rawls never does. The original charges were that Rawls’s decision procedure for ethics does not justify his own moral principles, especially those making up his liberal conception of justice, and that the underlying problem may well keep the decision procedure from justifying any moral principles whatsoever, or at least any normatively useful ones. These (...)
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  6. One Over Many: The Unitary Pluralism of Plato's World.Necip Fikri Alican - 2021 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    One over Many: The Unitary Pluralism of Plato’s World is a tightly integrated collection of essays by the author, some newly drafted for the present work, some previously published as journal articles, all conceived and developed in pursuit of corrective intervention in Plato’s metaphysics. The book replaces the standard view of Plato as a metaphysical dualist with an alternative interpretation providing greater explanatory power through the paradigm of unitary pluralism in a single reality built on ontological diversity.
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    Platon’un Devlet Eserinde Siyasal Teorinin Aracı Olarak Hayvan Metaforları.Uyanık Necip - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi:null null.
    İnsan ve hayvan arasındaki ilişki tarihin her döneminde ele alınan önemli bir sorundur. Bununla birlikte hayvanın kendi varlığının ne anlam ifade ettiği de ontolojik ve epistemolojik bağlamda irdelenmiştir. Bunun yanında etik ve siyaset bağlamında da bu sorunun önem arz ettiğini belirtmek gerekir. Dolayısıyla siyaset felsefesinde birey, toplum, devlet ilişkisini açık ve anlaşılır kılabilmek için çoğu kez hayvan metaforlarına veya doğrudan hayvandaki egemenliğin insana ve devlete nasıl geçtiğine odaklanılmıştır. Ancak metaforların tam olarak karşılığını bulabilmesi için etkili bir teori ve anlatıma ihtiyaç (...)
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  8. A Defense of John Stuart Mill's Proof of the Principle of Utility.Necip Fikri Alican - 1994 - Dissertation, Washington University in St. Louis
    In my dissertation, I analyze, interpret, and defend John Stuart Mill's proof of the principle of utility in the fourth chapter of his Utilitarianism. My purpose is not to glorify utilitarianism, in a full sweep, as the best normative ethical theory, or even to vindicate, on a more specific level, Mill's universalistic ethical hedonism as the best form of utilitarianism. I am concerned only with Mill's utilitarianism, and primarily with his proof of the principle of utility. My overarching purpose guiding (...)
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  9. Pleasures in "Republic" Ix.Mehmet Metin Erginel - 2004 - Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin
    My dissertation is on Plato's view on pleasure. I focus on the Republic, where Plato offers his first systematic treatment of pleasure and pain. Plato's thought on pleasure, and in particular his view on the truth and falsity of pleasure, has received no small degree of attention in the secondary literature during the past few decades. Despite the amount of work that has been done, however, Plato's thought on pleasure and pain has not been adequately understood, as scholars have persistently (...)
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    Kitap Tanıtımı: Sosyal Değişme Kadın ve Din.Mehmet Masatoğlu - 2016 - Dini Araştırmalar 19 (49):399-399.
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    Serpent Image in Viking and Indian Mythology.Mehmet Masatoğlu & Selahattin Özkan - 2019 - Dini Araştırmalar 22 (56):391-408.
    Snake or serpent is one the most widespread and oldest symbols which is known among different cultures folklore and mythology. As the role of symbolic notions is at the center of understanding any mythology, we would like to determine imagery meanings of the snake which could help researchers for knowing the myths more accurate and descriptive. Sometimes this motif represents the cycle of time and sometimes it does refer to Evil and even could be the symbol of divinity and eternity. (...)
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    Osmanlıda Hanedan İçi Katl.Muhammet Nuri Tunç - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):1133-1133.
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    Çok Partili Dönemde Doğu Anadolu'da Seçimlere Bir Örnek Ağrı Seçimleri.Mehmet Pinar - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 1):439-439.
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    İsl'm Estetiği, Modern Estetik ve Tanzimat Sonrası Türk Şiirinin Estetik Temelle.Mehmet Samsakçi - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 20):523-523.
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    Justice en tant que loi, justice au-delà de la loi: Hobbes, Derrida et les critical legal studies.Serpil Tunç Ütebay - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage donne une place importante à l'idée de la justice selon deux philosophes : selon la théorie de Thomas Hobbes elle est prise dans un cercle entre la loi, le souverain et la violence, tandis que pour Jacques Derrida, elle ne doit pas être limitée à la loi. L'intention de l'auteure, n'est pas d'apporter une nouvelle théorie, mais de montrer qu'une idée philosophique peut avoir une influence en politique ou en droit selon les propositions des Critical Legal Studies.
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    Can economic approaches to science do away with epistemic virtue?Duygu Uygun Tunc - unknown
    Economic approaches to science underline the social structure of science as the chief explanatory factor in its collective epistemic success, and typically endorse a common conclusion, namely that individual virtue is neither necessary nor sufficient for science to be successful. We analyze a central example, the invisible hand argument, in reference to a case of collective epistemic failure, namely the credibility crisis. While divergent motivations might also serve the collective goals of science, our analysis shows that the presence of a (...)
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    Kommunikaatio ja persoonuuden alkuperä.Duygu Uygun Tunç - 2020 - Ajatus 77 (1):429-438.
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  18. What’s So Good About the Good Will? An Ontological Critique of Kant’s Axiomatic Moral Construct.Necip Fikri Alican - 2022 - Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 18 (1):422–467.
    This article questions the central role of the good will in the moral theory of Immanuel Kant. The good will, according to Kant, is the only thing that is good in itself, and therefore good without limitation or qualification. This is an objectionable claim in support of a controversial position. The problem is not just that the good will is not the only thing that is good in itself, which indeed it is not, but more importantly, that the good will (...)
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  19. We should redefine scientific expertise: an extended virtue account.Duygu Uygun Tunç - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (4):1-30.
    An expert is commonly considered to be somebody who possesses the right kind of knowledge and skills to find out true answers for questions in a domain. However, this common conception that focuses only on an individual’s knowledge and skills is not very useful to understand the epistemically interdependent nature of contemporary scientific expertise, which becomes increasingly more relevant due to the rise of large interdisciplinary research collaborations. The typical scientific expert today relies substantially on complex scientific instruments and numerous (...)
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    Qāḍī Abd Al-Jābbār's Theory on Knowing Allah (Ma‘Rifatullah).Mehmet ŞAŞA - 2019 - Kader 17 (1):153-184.
    In this study, Qāḍī Abd al-Jābbār’s views on knowing Allah (ma‘rifatullah) and following issues have been analysed. In this context, either the divine message has reached to a person or not, it is examined whether ma‘rifatullah is obligatory (wajib) upon him. Subsequently, it is discussed whether this obligation is ensured by reasoning (‘aql) or revelation (naql). Furthermore, while keeping in mind the role of intellect (nazar) and argumentation (istidlāl), we have established and evaluated religious state and source of nazar and (...)
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    The Philosophy of The Story: Self-Disclosure and Ethical Codes in Autoethnography.Mehmet Ali Sevgi - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:3):835-854.
    Sosyal bilimlerde nesnelliğin, dışarıdan otoriter bir sese dayalı geleneksel yaklaşımların sorgulanması sonucu kavramlaşan otoetnografi, araştırmacının kendi öznelliğini araçsallaştırmasına dayanan bir yöntemdir. Zira, araştırmacının kendi deneyimlerini ve duygularını araştırmanın merkezine yerleştirmesi, otoetnografiyi geleneksel etnografilerden ayıran en belirgin özellik olarak vurgulanmaktadır. Bu çalışma, otoetnografiyi teorik, metodolojik ve etik açılarından ele alarak yöntemin sosyal bilimlerdeki potansiyelini ve bu yöntemle yazılabilecek metinlerin nasıl değerlendirilebileceğini tartışmaya açmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışma, sosyal bilimlerde temsilin politikliğine dair tartışmalara katkılar sunmayı, bu yöntemi kullanacak araştırmacıların yaklaşımlarına, karşılaşabilecekleri (...)
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    Gramatolojiden Problematolojiye.M. Taha Tunç - forthcoming - Arete Political Philosophy Journal.
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    On Yedinci Yüzyıl Bilim Devriminin Hazırlayıcısı Olarak Mediciler ve Michelangelo.Mehmet Cem Kamözüt - 2015 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):23-43.
    Galileo'nun öncülük ettiği bilimsel devrimde kilit rol oynayan bazı düşünceler Rönesans ile ortaya çıkmıştır. Medici ailesinin bilinçli çabaları sonucu yaşanan Antik Yunan'ın yeniden keşfi süreci, Michelangelo'nun çabalarıyla başlamış ve Galileo ile sürmüştür. Bu çalışmada hem Michelangelo'nun hem de Galileo'nun konularına Platonist bir tavırla yaklaştıklarını ve Medicilerin desteğinin tüm bu devrim boyunca yaşamsal olduğunu göstermeye çalıştım.
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    Yaşamsal Bir Akılcı: Georges Canguilhem.M. Taha Tunç - forthcoming - Arete Political Philosophy Journal.
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  25. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Does Plato Make Room for Negative Forms in His Ontology?Necip Fikri Alican - 2017 - Cosmos and History 13 (3):154–191.
    This article questions the place of negative Forms in Plato’s ontology. And it does so against appearances to the contrary, given that Plato himself seems to acknowledge both positive Forms and negative Forms, that is to say, both good ones and bad ones. He may not say so outright, but he invokes both and rejects neither. The apparent finality of this impression is so strong that it creates a lack of direct interest in the subject: Plato scholars do not give (...)
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  26. Mill's Principle of Utility: A Defense of John Stuart Mill's Notorious Proof.Necip Fikri Alican - 1994 - Amsterdam and Atlanta: Brill | Rodopi.
    Mill’s Principle of Utility: A Defense of John Stuart Mill’s Notorious Proof is a defense of John Stuart Mill’s proof of the principle of utility in the fourth chapter of his Utilitarianism. The proof is notorious as an allegedly fallacious attempt by a prominent philosopher who ought not to have made the elementary mistakes he is supposed to have made. This book shows that he did not. The aim is neither to glorify utilitarianism as a normative ethical theory nor to (...)
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  27. Çağımızı hazırlıyan düşünce.Necip Alsan - 1967 - İstanbul,: Varlık.
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    Der Wille bei Descartes.Mehmet Arslan - 2020 - Felsefe Arkivi 53:55-89.
    In den Anfängen seiner Philosophie äußerte sich Descartes über den epistemologischen Stellenwert des Willens nur allgemein. Nach Descartes hat Gott dem menschlichen Geist bereits die ersten Ideen gegeben, damit er die ebenfalls von Gott geschaffene physische Welt überhaupt wahrnehmen kann. Für ihn ist die dazu zuständige menschliche Fakultät unter anderem der Wille. Angesichts der immer wieder gemachten Erfahrung, dass die Menschen Irrtümer begehen, muss sich Descartes in der Fortsetzung seiner Philosophie mit der Frage auseinandersetzen, wie sich der Wille irrt und (...)
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    İbn Rüşd'ün Telhîsu'l-Makûl't'ta, Farabi'nin 'Küllî ve Şahıs Araz' Tahliline Dair Eleştirisi ya da Ontolojik ve Epistemik Cevher Üzerine.Mehmet Birgül - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:3):843-879.
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    The Relation Between Worldviews and Intergenerational Altruism in Turkey: An Empirical Approach.Mehmet Bulut, K. Ali Akkemik & Koray Göksal - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (45):234-256.
    Intergenerational altruism is an important area of research to understand the impact of culture on economic outcomes. We hypothesize based on recent research about intergenerational altruism and tough love model that worldviews, religious beliefs, and people’s confidence about their worldviews affect intergenerational altruistic economic behaviour. We extend the research on the impact of worldviews on intergenerational altruism by focusing on Turkey. In the empirical analysis, we run probit regressions using data from a large national survey. We find that worldviews, religiosity, (...)
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    Do Single Men Smell and Look Different to Partnered Men?Mehmet K. Mahmut & Richard J. Stevenson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  32. Mehmet Sadik Rifat Pasha's Risale-i ahlak.Rifat Paşa & Mehmet Sadık - 1860 - [Cincinnati, Ohio?: Isaac Jerushalmi. Edited by Yehezkel Gabbay.
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    Âgehî’s Şütür Kasidah.Mehmet Pektaş - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    An Analysis of Prospective Teachers’ Digital Citizenship Behaviour Norms.Mehmet Sincar - 2011 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (2):25-40.
    This study analyzes prospective teachers’ digital citizenship behaviour norms. The sample consists of the seventeen prospective teachers who studied at the University Of Gaziantep Faculty Of Education in the academic year 2009-2010. Qualitative methods were utilized in the collection and the analysis of data. The results indicated the teachers adequately demonstrated behaviour norms regarding digital communication and digital literacy, yet only few showed behaviour norms concerning digital access, digital etiquette, digital commerce, digital rights and responsibilities, digital law, digital health and (...)
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    Covid-19 Bağlamında Kötülük Probleminin Çeşitleri.Mehmet Sulhan - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (2):797-820.
    Covid-19 salgını, din felsefesinin önemli problemlerinden birisi olan kö-tülük problemini ve çeşitlerini tekrar gündeme getirmiştir. Kötülük problemi, tarihi kökeni çok eskilere dayanmakla birlikte, tartışma platformlarında gün-celliğini korumaya devam eden bir sorun olarak varlığını sürdürmektedir. Ateistlerin, Teistleri en çok eleştirdiği konuların başında kötülük problemi gelmekle birlikte, onların da bu konuda tatmin edici bir cevapları bulunma-maktadır. Filozofların farklı olmakla birlikte bu probleme dair mutlaka bir görüşü vardır. Kimine göre iyiliğin bilinmesi için gerekli, kimine göre de belli oranda var olması bu alemin estetiği (...)
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    Analysis of Yahya Kemal’s Poem “Rindlerin Ölmü” With Russian Formalists’ Approaches.Gökhan Tunç - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2017-2024.
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  37. Who Mourns for Adonais? Or, Where Have All the Gods Gone?Necip Fikri Alican - 2018 - Analysis and Metaphysics 17:38–94.
    This article explores the philosophical implications of the transition from polytheism to monotheism in our development as a rational species. The methodological vehicle employed in the critical analysis conducted is a survey of Hesiodic theogony for insight into the nature and purpose of the monotheistic platforms we have erected in its place. The aim is not so much to dispute the validity of any belief system, past or present, as it is to expose and examine the prevailing paradigms as extensions (...)
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    Bi̇Li̇M Ve di̇N Arasindaki̇ İLi̇Şki̇ Nedi̇R?Mehmet Malkoç - 2017 - Kader 15 (3):743-752.
    Hristiyan teolog William Lane Crag'a ait din ve bilim arasındaki ilişkiyi ele lan bir çeviri...
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  39. Book in Focus: Quine on Ethics: The Gavagai of Moral Discourse.Necip Fikri Alican - 2021 - “Book in Focus”: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    Discussion piece on a book of the same name: Quine on Ethics: The Gavagai of Moral Discourse. Published online as part of the “Book in Focus” program of Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Newcastle upon Tyne, 2021).
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    Collective epistemic vice in science: Lessons from the credibility crisis.Duygu Uygun Tunc & Duncan Pritchard - unknown
    We investigate the explanatory role of epistemic virtue in accounting for the success of science as a social institution that is characterized by predominantly epistemic ends. Several structural explanations of the epistemic success of science that commonly rule out virtue attributions to scientists are explored in reference to a case of collective epistemic vice; namely, the credibility crisis in the social and behavioral sciences. These accounts underline the social structure of science as the chief explanatory factor in its collective success, (...)
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    Building Bridges in a Divided Society: Addressing Hindutva and Muslim Conflicts in India.Mehmet Masatoğlu - 2024 - Marifetname 11 (1):65-94.
    The purpose of this research is to perform a comprehensive investigation of the complex dynamics that exist between Hindutva and the Muslim minority in India, with a particular emphasis on the conflict that is becoming more intense. It investigates the complicated situation by delving into the myriad of political, religious, and sociological aspects that interact with one another and contribute to shaping it. This research investigates the purposeful aggravation of racial discrimination, nationalism, and exclusionary policies that have a disproportionate impact (...)
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    Communication and the origins of personhood.Duygu Uygun Tunç - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    This thesis presents a communicative account of personhood that argues for the inseparability of the metaphysical and the practical concepts of a person. It connects these two concepts by coupling the question “what is a person” with the question "how does one become a person". It argues that participation in social interactions that are characterized by mutual recognition and giving-and-taking reasons implied by the practical concept of a person is in fact an ecological and developmental condition for an entity to (...)
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    Plato's Parmenides reconsidered.Mehmet Tabak - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Plato's Parmenides is very commonly read as a turning-point in Plato's philosophical development. Most contemporary scholars agree with the view that Plato seriously criticizes his theory of Forms in this dialogue. According to some proponents of this view, Plato deemed these criticisms too damaging to his theory of Forms, and subsequently abandoned this theory. Other proponents of the serious-self-criticism view argue that, instead of abandoning his theory of Forms, Plato lays the foundations of a new and improved theory of Forms (...)
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    Tanrı’nın Varlığını Kanıtlamanın (İsb't-ı V'cib) Kel'm Bilgi Teorisindeki Yeri: Kādî Abdülcebb'r Örneği.Mehmet Bulgen - 2022 - Marifetname 9 (1):13-53.
    Tanrı’nın varlığı kanıtlama (isbât-ı vâcib) kelâm ilminin diğer tüm meselelerin kendisine dayandığı en başta gelen gayesidir. Kelâmcıların özelliği inşa ettikleri bir bilgi teorisi ekseninde bunu ortaya koymaya çalışmalarıdır. Kelâmda mevcut, ma’dum, kadîm, muhdes, cevher, araz gibi ontolojik kavramların daha genelde bilinenler (malumat) kümesinin unsurları olmasından da anlaşılacağı üzere kelamcılar Tanrı’nın varlığı konusunu bilgiye konu olmak bakımından ele almaktadırlar. Bu durum kelâmcılara göre Allah’ın varlığının bilgisine (marifetgullah) ulaşmanın bir epistemoloji meselesi olduğunu ortaya koyar. Bu makalede Mu’tezile kelamında önemli bir yeri olan (...)
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    Klasik Dönem Kel'mında Bilim ve Felsefe: Kel'mın Dakîk ve Latîf Konuları Ekseninde Bir Değerlendirme.Mehmet Bulgen - 2021 - Kader 19 (3):938-967.
    One of the important aspects of the classical kalām is that the philosophical topics related to physics and cosmology, namely daqīq or laṭīf al-kalām, have an important place in it. The reason for the involvement of the kalām scholars (mutakallimūn) in these kinds of issues is commonly regarded as an effort to defend Islamic beliefs against other religions and thought systems. However, when their studies are examined closely, the complexity of their concepts and theories, as well as the fact that (...)
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  46. Akrasia and conflict in the Nicomachean Ethics.Mehmet Metin Erginel - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (4):573-593.
    In Nicomachean Ethics VII, Aristotle offers an account of akrasia that purports to salvage the kernel of truth in the Socratic paradox that people act against what is best only through ignorance. Despite Aristotle’s apparent confidence in having identified the sense in which Socrates was right about akrasia, we are left puzzling over Aristotle’s own account, and the extent to which he agrees with Socrates. The most fundamental interpretive question concerns the sense in which Aristotle takes the akratic to be (...)
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  47. Angelique: An Angel in Distress, Morality in Crisis.Necip Fikri Alican - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (2):9–48.
    This article is a critical analysis of the decisive mission of Michael H. Mitias to attract attention to a neglected relationship between friendship and morality. The evaluation revolves around the position of Mitias on friendship as a central moral value constituting an integral part of the good life and therefore deserving a prominent place in ethical theory. The corresponding vision is not a whimsical intervention in our standard conception of morality but a unifying initiative to recapture the right way of (...)
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  48. Rethought Forms: How Do They Work?Necip Fikri Alican - 2014 - Arctos: Acta Philologica Fennica 48: 25–55.
    This article is a critical evaluation of Holger Thesleff’s thinking on Plato’s Forms. The emphasis is, more specifically, on his “rethinking” of the matter, as he puts it in the title of his most recent contribution (Alican and Thesleff 2013: “Rethinking Plato’s Forms”). The general aim is to launch the academic reception of that bold intervention in Plato scholarship, which Thesleff cautiously positions a modest proposal — his trademark teaser to elicit a reaction, positive or negative. Representing a sympathetic perspective, (...)
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  49. Mill's Principle of Utility: Origins, Proof, and Implications.Necip Fikri Alican - 2022 - Leiden and Boston: Brill.
    Mill’s Principle of Utility: Origins, Proof, and Implications is a scholarly monograph on John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism with a particular emphasis on the proof he provides for the principle of utility. Originally published as Mill’s Principle of Utility: A Defense of John Stuart Mill’s Notorious Proof (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994), the present volume is a revised and enlarged edition with additional material, tighter arguments, and updated references. The initiative is still principally an analysis, interpretation, and defense of the controversial proof, which (...)
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  50. Quine on Ethics: The Gavagai of Moral Discourse.Necip Fikri Alican - 2021 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    Quine on Ethics: The Gavagai of Moral Discourse is a comprehensive treatment of Quine’s brief yet memorable foray into ethics. It defends him against his most formidable critics, corrects misconceptions in the present reception of his outlook on morality as a social institution and ethics as a philosophical enterprise, and restores emphasis on observationality as the impetus behind his momentous intervention in ethical theory. The central focus is on Quine’s infamous challenge to ethical theory: his thesis of the methodological infirmity (...)
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